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Penny Arcade
Homestar Runner
Carolina Review
Immaculate Ejaculates
Something Awful
The IMDb
Daddy Pants


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    Contact Info
    Sarah Burney:
    Accepting telegrams and/or semaphore messages only

    Jenny R:
    Leave a comment

    Amanda Smith:
    instant messenger: puerta007

    Sarah Chun:
    Your Mom
    instant messenger: mariadimes

    touched by an anvil
    I like dorks. I don't understand people who only go after the hottest guy they can get, because that guy is probably an asshole. I mean, let's face it. Being hot has a tendency to make someone an asshole, because they can treat people like crap and still get dates. Dorks don't do that. Plus they're much more interesting to talk to. But let me explain what I mean by "dork." You see, there are three kinds of people who are generally not accepted by the popular fraternity/sorority types: Dorks, nerds, and geeks.

    Dorks: Goofy and kind of weird. Tend to like Monty Python, MST3K, and things of that nature. They generally don't strive to be in the popular crowd. They are often in marching band, like reading, or are artsy (or all three). These are my favorite kind of people in the world. All of my closest friends are dorks.

    Nerds: Nerds are your hardcore math/science types. Like to discuss quantum physics and other intellectual challenges. Limited social skills.

    Geeks: These are your Star Trek fanboys and whatnot. They play a lot of Everquest and attend Renaissance Fair(e)s, and are generally undesirable except to other geeks. Sometimes they are smelly. Think Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons.

    So there you go. Of course nobody falls exactly into one category, there's lots of overlap. I, for example, am a dork with nerd leanings.

    Dork guys: my IM name is agntkoala and I'm free Monday nights.

    Posted by - 5:55 PM


    Perhaps you are unaware that today is Jenny's 20th BIRTHDAY! Perhaps you should send her birthday messages. Perhaps if you do not, I will have harsh words for you.

    Posted by - 10:52 PM


    R.I.P, Richard Harris. To honor his memory I wrote him a poem (blank verse).

    You were so awesome
    But now you're dead
    That really sucks
    Because I really liked you in Gladiator and Harry Potter

    You drank a lot because you were Irish
    But that's O.K
    It wasn't your liver that killed you
    You had Hodgkin's disease, and I don't really know what that is but your family said you died peacefully so I guess it wasn't too bad.

    I was really sad when I heard you died
    But you were really old
    And everybody has to die sometime
    It's kind of weird that you died on the same day as that senator from Minnesota.

    Posted by - 11:22 PM


    I'm posting this from the undergrad library, sombrero at my side, and time to kill before my CR meeting. So I figured I ought to take this time and update you on the various goings-on of the past week, even though by my estimation, only 3 of you care, and 2 of those three are my parents.

    Anyway. Thursday through Sunday was fall break, which was cool, even though I didn't get to go to App like I wanted. I was like the Martha Stewart of fall break though. I managed to craft a pretty good time out of some twine, balsamic vinegar, and glitter-glue, then I sold it all off in a shady financial deal. Thursday I went to see a movie with Jared, then Friday I went up to Elon to visit a friend. Saturday I dragged Patrick to the Canes/Devils game, and that kicked about 9 different things in the ass. I love hockey. I think if other southerners opened their minds to it, they would too. Who doesn't like to watch people beating the ever loving crap out of each other, and sometimes with sticks? Sunday was State Fair day. I went with Jared, Jenny, and Jenny's sister Holly. We ate fried things, looked at cows and rabbits, and generally had a grand old time. Holly and I went to see the world's biggest horse. It sure was big. Yep.

    Perhaps I should explain about the sombrero. No....I'll leave it up to you to figure that one out.

    Posted by - 7:12 PM


    I've been drinking pop (ok, fine, I will now on refer to it as soda) for as long as I can remember. Coke has always been my favorite kind. I've also steered clear of diet sodas, always gagging whenever I had to drink one. So then I came to college. The man has sold out, and Pepsi completely dominates the beverage market at NCSU. I can't get a Coke to save my life unless I cross Hillsborough or go down Western. At school I discovered Wild Cherry Pepsi and the occassional fountain with Mug Rootbeer. So I was satisfied. Then sometime last year Coke released their Diet Coke with Lemon. My sister bought a pack, and I tried it. After having real lemon in soda in Europe, I knew what to expect. I liked it, but had no plans on buying any in the future. Then Pepsi had to compete with Coke and released Pepsi Twist and Diet Pepsi Twist. Let's just say Pepsi Twist is gross. So I decided to have a go at Diet Pepsi Twist. This is now my favorite soda available on the NCSU campus. I've even gotten Diet Pepsi a few times at various campus soda fountain locations. Perhaps our tastes change as we get older. But you know I'd give my right arm for a Fanta Naranja right about now....

    Posted by - 12:54 AM


    Woo hoo, fall break is finally here! I'm not doing anything cool, but I never do anything cool so I'm used to it. Anyway, for your Wednesday enjoyment, please enjoy this song. Warning: click only if you think you deserve to hear the greatest thing in the history of the world.

    Warning #2 - Sometimes it's bitchy with MSIE. So you have my permission this ONE TIME to use Netscape.

    The second greatest thing in the world today is Strong Bad's Email on I personally recommend techno, guitar, invisibilty, and flag day. But especially the techno one.

    Posted by - 3:19 PM


    So I guess I can add the water pipes by my bed to the list of Inanimate Objects that Are Trying to Kill Me, a prestigious list that includes my old papasan chair, and, of course, my car. There are these two pipes that run perpendicular to my ceiling and stick out from the wall about three inches. It's a good place to prop your food up while you read, or so I thought. Dum dum dum. Turns out that whenever the radiator is on, which is all the time in arctic Boone, the pipes fill up with scalding hot water. Yes, I did find this out the hard way. Several times. These things are hard to avoid. Roll up next to horrifically hot metal in the middle of the night and see if it doesn't disturb your peaceful slumber. Plus, it'll probably catch my bedding on fire one night and I'll die in a blazing inferno. I guess there are worse ways to go. I'm sure that my car is plotting several of them right now.

    On a happier note, you know what I like? Rediscovering an old CD I haven't listened to in a while. I pulled out Radiohead's OK Computer the other day and have been listening to it incessantly. Paranoid Android is a fabulous song. The whole CD is great.

    Posted by - 11:04 PM


    "If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain" But what do you get if you have a monsoon? When I left my dorm this morning, I was prepared with my rain jacket and umbrella and met a few sprinkles. By the time I left my first class en route to my next one, the monsoon had kicked in and there was no stopping it. I really like the NCSU campus, and bricks are cool and all, but there is ABSOLUTELY no drainage of water ANYWHERE on the bricks. I encountered 3-inch pools of water in various spots of campus. I don't know how much experience any of you have with walking on brick, but any amount of water + bricks = major slippage. Add in a nice little incline and you might as well walk in the middle of the road to get some traction from the pavement.

    I had this nice conversation with a guy in Java class:
    Jenny: Gosh, it's too bad I left my ark at home.
    Guy: What did you say?
    Jenny: I left my ark...I sure could have used it in all that rain out there.
    Guy: Yeah, I couldn't hear you cause I had water in my ears.

    Posted by - 2:24 PM


    I would like to present Exhibit A in the case of Sarah Is Going Straight to Hell when the Rapture Comes:
    This photoshop, which I did for, and didn't post because someone else had the same idea as me.

    How did Helen Keller burn her face? She answered the iron.

    I am sorry.

    Posted by - 12:57 AM


    So I had my own fun conversation today. An identity has been changed to protect the one involved.

    SuperJen4: I got the Knockaround Guys poster for my room, and my roommate put it on our door
    SuperJen4: so everytime the girls walk by they seriously stop and drool
    SuperJen4: and, I just got the great idea to decorate the walls of the suite with movie posters
    SuperJen4: cause I have some that aren't up
    FriendofJen: thats a fantastic idea
    FriendofJen: we were plannin on puttin some up in our living room
    FriendofJen: but we havent yet
    SuperJen4: RA's theme is movies anyway
    SuperJen4: like, she drew her own fake movie posters on our suite doors
    FriendofJen: perfect
    FriendofJen: you got the real deal
    SuperJen4: the "reel" deal you mean

    I'm normally slow with puns, but I was all about it this time. Go me go me! (insert victory music and a lil' dance)

    Posted by - 11:10 PM


    And now ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present The Most Sarcastic Conversation Ever, starring Amanda Smith and Sarah Burney.
    Please ignore all the spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors. We are just girls, after all.

    agntkoala: was she the one that needed a guy to do everything?
    puerta007: that's her
    agntkoala: now how is she going to hang her posters?
    puerta007: beats the hell out of me. call her daddy, maybe.
    agntkoala: she could figure something out, if she wasn't just a girl
    puerta007: just doesn't have a analytical mind, i guess
    puerta007: an
    agntkoala: and they say girls are good at english
    puerta007: go figure.
    agntkoala: i don't know how we've managed to live alone for so and not burn down our dorms yet.
    agntkoala: so long
    puerta007: damn that english.
    puerta007: i'm surprised that my heart doesn't stop beating from sheer stupidity.
    puerta007: hopefully my cardiologist will be a boy.
    agntkoala: i know, but you better get your dad to come up and drive you there.
    puerta007: hehe
    agntkoala: well, i would go study but i don't really need to
    agntkoala: i'm just in college to find a husband
    puerta007: i hope i land a doctor.
    agntkoala: he could take good care of you
    puerta007: or at least someone who can hook up a stereo, cause lord knows only boys can do that
    agntkoala: the sarcasm is starting to drip out of my monitor and onto my keyboard.
    puerta007: hehe. i'm going to go into overload in a minute now.

    Posted by - 3:48 PM


    OMG OMG OMG a real post!!!!1

    Sorry I haven't been posting to this thing as regularly as usual, but I have been insanely busy and I just haven't had time. However I must share with you the most irritating experience in the entire world: the 3 AM fire alarm. So last night I decided to go to bed early and be well rested for my classes today. However, some dumbfuck on the 6th floor high side had other plans for me. So at 3:30 in the morning, he blocked the 639 suite door with a couch so nobody could get out and proceeded to douse the occupants of the suite with a fire extinguisher. This had a dual effect: it set off the highly sensitive Carmichael fire alarms, and burned the poor guys he sprayed. And even though there wasn't the slightest possibility of there being a chance there was a fire, the fire-persons still made us sit outside in the cold and the rain for 45 minutes. When we finally got to go back in I wasn't really tired anymore, so it took me until like 5:30 to fall asleep and I ended up sleeping through my 9 o'clock class. So mystery asshole, I would like to say on behalf of all the residents of Carmichael, and especially those you injured with your inappropriate use of fire-retardant chemicals,

    I hope you get expelled.

    Posted by - 3:11 PM


    Tall White Fella: oh well. I'll be there at VI.
    agntkoala: and not I minute after.
    Tall White Fella: II be sure

    We are so clever.

    Posted by - 5:43 PM


    So I have another Amanda story that needs to be told. On our second trip to Europe, Amanda, Sara Miner, and I were sharing a three-person occupancy room in a hotel in London. The hotel room was about the size of a standard American one but had three single beds instead of two doubles. That meant the beds were all of a foot apart. Sara had the bed on the left, I was in the middle, and Amanda was on the right side. During the middle of the night, I was awakened by Amanda's flailing arm hitting me, and her calling my name. I responded, and Amanda asked me where the placemat was. So in my confused state, I search underneath my pillow with my hands and tell Amanda that I can't find it, and it must be a European thing. So don't worry my Tator. When I am Sub-Tator I'll make everyone required to answer "Where's the placemat" regardless of what the real answer is.

    Posted by - 9:52 AM


    Damn the man! So my post office adventure was last Wednesday. It is a week later, and I have not gotten back Amanda's birthday card. She has yet to tell me if she has received it, so my guess is the man snatched it up, ripped it up in a million pieces, and burned it in an incinerator. That'll teach me to get postal rates correct when mailing stuff in the future.


    Posted by - 12:45 AM


    The ladies at the library reference desk are my biological father. Man, even if you couldn't even find your ass with both hands and a flashlight, these ladies will help you. You can still be figuring out how to turn on the flashlight and they'll have found 23 books on ass-finding, 76 reference articles on modern ass-finding techniques, a manual on advanced ass-finding, the novel "Mary Sue and the Great Ass-Finding Adventure," and the location of the library's subscription to the journal Ass-Finding Today. I love those ladies.

    /beating dead horse

    Posted by - 7:06 PM