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Penny Arcade
Homestar Runner
Carolina Review
Immaculate Ejaculates
Something Awful
The IMDb
Daddy Pants


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    Contact Info
    Sarah Burney:
    Accepting telegrams and/or semaphore messages only

    Jenny R:
    Leave a comment

    Amanda Smith:
    instant messenger: puerta007

    Sarah Chun:
    Your Mom
    instant messenger: mariadimes

    touched by an anvil
    I forgot to post about what happened to me on Monday. I'm in the Caldwell Lounge to eat lunch and study for my Criminal Procedures quiz. The lounge is a fairly big space with snack machines, tables and chairs, and couches. They also use the space for other purposes and there is a piano in there too. So I'm in there with about 20 other people, half of which are sleeping, and these two girls walk up to the piano, and one girls sits down and starts playing it. I figure, ok, this is annoying but surely it'll stop soon. I give it five minutes and I look around and the second girl has left so it's just this one girl sitting there, swaying back and forth as she plays the piano. By this point I've turned my cd player up pretty loud to help drown out the sound of the piano. I give it another maybe 3 minutes and I just had to get up and leave the lounge. I mean, really. If you want to play the piano, go to the music center and play all the hell you want in there. None of us asked for your impromptu concert. Has anyone else had anything annoying happen to you when you were trying to study?

    Next thing. My computer totally hates me again and Internet Explorer has decided to shut down and not work. I've tried to uninstall it then install it again but it's still not cooperating. In the mean time I've been sentenced to using netscape to get by. I can tolerate netscape but it's not the same as using IE. Wish me luck as I try to pull my hair out in order to get it back up and running. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Posted by - 1:33 AM


    The Justice League assembled for a rockin' night on the town in Chapel Hill for Amanda's birthday. We want you to know what it was like to be there so here's some quotes (to the best of my knowledge) from our night.

    Amanda: It's my birthday!

    Jenny: Look! There's a road. Look! There's a driveway.

    Burney: Jenny, has Amanda been messing with your temperature controls?

    Amanda: So what's in Utah?
    Burney: Mormons.

    Chun: I want to watch the first 4 minutes of X2.
    Burney: Would you like to watch the last 116 minutes after that too?

    Amanda and Chun: (whining about being full)
    Burney: Pass me the Pop Tarts
    Chun: you have the metabolism of a shrew

    Jenny: So a wild card is like wild, right?

    Amanda: I only have 9 cards. (then she lost. ha ha)

    Burney: Everyone count your cards.
    Jenny: You don't have to. I go to State.

    And the best for last:
    Amanda: I haven't posted in dickety [23] years. Don't kick me off the blog.

    Crew: post any others that I missed.

    Posted by - 1:47 AM


    Happy 23rd Birthday, Amanda!

    (Seen a grey hair yet?)

    Posted by - 1:01 AM


    Well, I finally did it. Got 12" chopped off by Dennis, a 50-something widower from Chicago who looked like and acted less gay than Frank Bielec, but who in fact was actually gay. Nicest hairdresser ever. Definitely going back. Anyway, back to the hair. I donated it to Locks of Love, a non-profit group that makes wigs for kids that've gone bald due to illness or treatment side effects. So really, I'm shedding DNA evidence twice over. I haven't had hair this short since middle school (I think), and I'm still in shock right now, but I can still get it in a ponytail and it'll end up being a lot cheaper to maintain, so that's enough for me.

    Posted by - 1:37 PM


    Kevin and I have to attend a manager's meeting next Wednesday, on our night off, and are expected to dress up to help out with a sneak preview of Shark Tale. Our consensus is that we don't work that day and all the salary managers who do work should be the scabs who help out with the sneak. They're the ones not scheduling extra employees to help anyway because of payroll concerns. What do they think they are doing by having Kev and I there? We're getting paid hourly, hence adding to the payroll concern they tried to avoid. Some managers are so stupid. Like Cindy not letting me go home on Monday...ok, on with the story:

    SuperJen4 : i'll be coming from band practice so i am tempted to wear my street clothes then bring the change of clothes
    SuperJen4 : then after the meeting they will see they don't need me to work
    SuperJen4 : and yay for me
    Kevin : exactly
    SuperJen4 : and if i have to work, then i'll change and bitch about it under my breath
    Kevin : i'll just have a seizure
    Kevin : ouch, my brain!
    SuperJen4 : good plan
    Kevin : i think they'll believe me
    SuperJen4 : i'll be like "He's having a brain seizure!! call a doctor!!!"
    SuperJen4 : that will add to the validity
    Kevin : i know right
    Kevin : call a doctor!!!
    Kevin : now damnit, now!!!
    SuperJen4 : then i'll go into shock and they'll need one for me too
    Kevin : it'll be totally believable
    SuperJen4 : bring some alka seltzer tablets and pop one in your mouth right beforehand
    SuperJen4 : you'll start foaming for effect
    Kevin : dude, i should mix it with chilli
    Kevin : then i'll be foaming AND throwing up
    Kevin : double whammy
    SuperJen4 : we sure love our jobs

    I know our plan is golden and fool proof, but does anybody have any other great plans that we can maybe use for the next time they pull this crap on us? Even just showing up for a meeting on your day off is not cool. And maybe something that doesn't involve throwing up.

    Posted by - 11:29 PM


    Basically the only food I have in my room right now is cashews. And I just dumped half of them on the floor.

    I'm going to miss college.

    Posted by - 5:11 PM


    Just a blog post to say hi. I'm lacking on breaking news stories lately. All I've got is I had to work last night. I got there at 6 and I then had to leave to go to Office Depot cause I'm the Assistant HR manager scab. I had to get some stuff laminated so then I picked up dinner on the way back to the theater. I was scheduled to work projection so I went upstairs and went ahead and ate my dinner. So this puts us at about 6:30 and I have yet to do any work. Ryan is around so I chat with him a bit and find out Glen is there too. Three projections for a night shift when normally only one person works. I took this to mean that I wasn't needed. I arranged to go home early and things were great. Then the Assistant GM calls me on the walkie and asks if I can stay so I can "train" in concessions. It's not like I can say no cause I had already been scheduled to stay later. So I said ok. I ended up counting everything and then Josh went through the computer stuff with me. None of it really sunk in cause he had done it all for me already (cause he's a bad trainer) and just told me what the steps were. Now it looks like I'm gonna have a Concession shift on the weekend and have no clue what is going on. Yay! It really was a waste of my time and payroll to stay to count. Any person with a count sheet and a calculator can count. I've seen managers do it for the last 4.5 years so I'm not ignorant about what goes on. The only good part was I was still dressed in my street clothes for the whole process and that gave me an excuse not to do anything behind the stand to help the customers.

    Just to update my avid fans, I have purchased a campus parking permit. That means no more "Love on the Wolfline" posts. But it's cool. My current crush is a band member and I've got a great pic of him as my wallpaper. Maybe if you're lucky I'll share the pic with you.

    Things are going well over at the Immaculate blog. Click on the link and go check them out. (The least I can do for my "free" advertising for TBAA on their blog)

    Posted by - 11:44 AM


    From E!Online:

    STORK WATCH: TV anchor Joan Lunden announcing she and hubby Jeff Konigsberg are expecting a second set of twins in early March via a surrogate.

    For those of you not familiar with Joan Lunden, she was a popular host of Good Morning America back in the day. And you might think, what's so remarkable about having surrogate children? It's wrong when you're 54 years old! It's one thing maybe if she'd never had kids before, but she has three perfectly fine daughters ages 25, 22 and 17 from her first marriage and another set of two-year-old surrogate twins with her second husband. Am I slightly delusional in thinking that moms and dads shouldn't be 70, much less 72 years old when their kid graduates from high school? Menopause doesn't just happen to women for shits and giggles. If Joan wants to have more babies around, she needs to take a hint from her biological clock, wait for some grandbabies and stop paying for batches of children.

    Posted by - 4:01 PM


    Fate: It's what's for dinner

    Today I went to K-Mart to ride the bus again cause my first class was cancelled. As I'm driving to find a space, I saw the bus pull up. Darn. I finally just park in a spot way out near the end of the lot and had planned on waiting it out for the people to get off the bus, then I would cleverly drive over and park in one of their close spots. So I'm waiting and I look in my side view mirror and see Jamie. He has parked over across the aisle from me and had opened his car door. At that point I was trapped and didn't want to look stupid for leaving the spot. So I sucked it up, and got out of the car and walked to the bus stop. The bus was sticking around for a sec but then finally pulled away. I went up to the bus stop and set my bookbag down. Then Jamie came up behind me and sat on the curb right near where I was standing. So I decided just to sit down too. He was no more than 4ft away from me. Just sitting there. Had I not been a loser I would have started a conv. Oh well. Maybe next time.

    During my two hour break on campus, I spent the first hour in a computer lab. Then I went to my professor's office hours. I was standing outside his office waiting for a girl to come out, and a guy from my class came up and stood on the other side of the door. The girl exited and I was waiting for her to get out of the way to go in. Before I knew it, jerk guy goes in. HELLO!!! Was I not standing there before you came up???!!!!! Jeez.

    Afterwards I started to walk across campus to Price. As I was walking, I heard this guy say "Hey Jen" and I glanced behind me. Turns out it was a guy on his cell phone. Yeah, I felt dumb. Then about two minutes later I hear behind me, "Jen....(pause) Jenny Jen Jen." So I'm thinking "I'm not failing for this again." Then I hear a whistle. So I'm like, "Ok, whatever" and I turn around. It's Tom! My buddy from Intro to Psych back in the day and a snare drummer in band. What a surprise. It was fun to talk to him for the short walk from Reynolds to Price. But hey. It still put me in a good mood after visiting my professor.

    Last story. Dameon came online tonight so I checked in with him. He likes me to keep him updated on my drama. So he heard some of the latest news. What a great guy.

    Besides the boring parts of being at home and missing Road Rules, this Monday wasn't so bad after all.

    Posted by - 12:45 AM


    Jenny's maternal grandfather passed away last week in Conneaut. Hokey and sentimental as it might be, take a minute and say a prayer for Jenny's family and everyone you've lost.

    Posted by - 11:15 AM


    I just realized that the end of "Rookie of the Year" is ridiculous. I mean, yeah, he loses the fastball when he trips and bonks his elbow. But don't the Cubs have any relief pitching? Can't they bring in a closer to get the final three outs?

    Posted by - 5:54 PM


    Here's what I remember:

    -I remember waking up at 10AM and turning on the Daily Show. Sean IMed me and asked if I was watching the news. I told him "Sort of." He told me planes had hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I turned on the real news and they were showing a replay of the North Tower collapsing. I watched the South Tower collapse live.
    -I remember going to my first class of the morning, Anth 23. The professor obviously hadn't heard because he gave the lecture like normal. The guy sitting next to me was on the internet and we kept checking for updates.
    -I remember going to my Astronomy class. The professor was extremely shook up and said that it was not an appropriate time for astronomy.
    -I remember feeling angrier than I have ever felt before or since. I was literally shaking with rage, and fear, and sadness
    -I remember several days later, at band practice, looking up in the sky and seeing a plane overhead for the first time since it happened, and feeling hopeful.

    Posted by - 1:23 PM


    Well, I got a new bike. It's silver and blue and has 21 speeds and a cupholder. I'm still not over the loss of my old bike, but give me time.

    Also, I hate Tuesday. Worst day of the week, hands down.

    Posted by - 10:27 AM


    So I discovered this store called New York and Company. Well, maybe not discovered cause I've always known about it. I've just never bought anything from there cause I don't dress that well. I bought a jacket and pant set 2 weeks ago and thought it was a good deal. The jacket was $59 and the pants were $39.50. I had a $25 coupon if I spent $75 or more. Not bad. I go into the store today, and I see they have the jackets on sale for $44.50 and pants for $34.50. Twenty dollars less. So I'm thinking this sucks, except I know I have another coupon so I was like, "Why don't I buy the same thing in a different color." So 44.50 + 34.50 would have put me into the over $75 range. I get to the register and the jacket is $44.50 and the pants ring up for $26.50. Oh no! I'm only at $71. Had I known this I would have grabbed another item beforehand. So I scurry off and check out the earrings, which btw are all like $10 each, and find out they are buy one get one free. I look for about a minute and decide on two. So I manage to leave the store with an almost identical outfit and two pairs of earrings for cheaper than I paid 2 weeks ago. If I was that worried, I would have bought the same jacket and pants today and returned them with the receipt I got two weeks ago. I guess that is still an option. We'll see.

    Posted by - 5:22 PM


    14K + some. Anyone have any great blog memories? I just browsed through the archives but don't have enough time to pick one out. I will later.

    Posted by - 2:12 PM


    How come we don't have Livestrong bracelets yet? I'm gonna check at the footlockers at the mall to see if they have them and if they don't, then I'll crack down and order the 10 pack from the website. The shirts are cool anyway so I kinda wanted to order one of them regardless. If you don't know what I'm talking about then check out I only just heard about these bracelets last week when I read an article about them in the school paper. It said everyone had them so I glanced around on the bus I was riding and didn't see anyone with them. At the game today I noticed two people in band with them on. It's a cool thing with a great message and supports a good foundation. I want one!

    Posted by - 11:34 PM


    Some dumbass asshole fucking jerk stole my bike. Double you tee eff? It's rusty, it's 8 years old, and the brakes sound like the apocalypse. Why would you look at that bike and think to yourself "I betcha I could make some money with that sweet ride"? Fuck you, bike thief. I loved that bike.

    Posted by - 12:40 AM


    The good news: I'm hired!
    The bad news: Once again, I'm an unpaid intern, the ultimate PR bitch.

    It's at the NC art museum, for about 20 hours a week. I'll get more clips for my portfolio, network with PR professionals, build my resume, blah, blah, blah. My immediate supervisor is a twenty-something w/ a Master's in art history (Amanda!), and she seems cool enough. I'm excited because the Matisse/Picasso show is coming in October, and I'll be able to help out with the media preview. A little plug: There will be 74 pieces on loan from Baltimore, obviously by Matisse and Picasso, but also Degas, Cezanne, Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Rodin. Mark your calendar: Oct. 10-Jan. 16.

    Jenny, since I'll be in the neighborhood, we should lunch.

    Posted by - 2:51 PM


    Love on the Wolfline 2004

    Do to my bad luck with the buses (to be noted below) I ended up at the K-Mart parking lot this morning and who, out of everyone in the world do I see? Jamie from last year! Talk about fate or something. So I stared at him while waiting for the bus then one of his friends came up. When the bus came, I sat in the middle of the front part and he and his friend walked to the back. Then lots of other people got on so I couldn't even stare at him throughout the ride. No fear though. A guy sitting two seats down from me gave up his seat for a girl when she got on at the next stop. Not only was he a total gentleman, he was also really hot too. I proceeded to spent most of the bus ride trying to steal glances at him. The world needs more guys like that.

    As for my luck, the Centennial Park and Ride is the hot and happening place this year. I remember parking there last year and I was mad if the bottom lot next to the first stop was full. Now I'm mad if I can't find a spot period. Where did all these people magically come from? I went to the lot yesterday and ended up having to leave and go to Carter-Finley. The result was I missed the first half of my class. This morning I went to Centennial again and ended up going to K-Mart but did make it to class on time. Someone please just give me a DC parking permit. That would truly make my day.

    Posted by - 1:40 PM